Thursday, April 9, 2009

58 PhD positions in IT at Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 19:33:55 +0200
From: "Antonio Capone"

Call for PhD applications in Information Technology
at Politecnico di Milano, Italy

The Politecnico di Milano offers 58 PhD positions within the Information Technology (IT) PhD Program of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (DEI). The duration of the program is 3 years and admission is on a competitive basis. Most of the positions are supported by a scholarship with competitive salary (approx 1250 Euros net per month) and additional support for lodging is provided to the best foreign students. Applicants must hold a master degree but also students that graduate in Italian universities by December 2009 can apply. Applications from foreign students and students from other Italian universities are especially encouraged.

IT PhD Program:
The IT PhD Program offers young students graduated in scientific disciplines an international and stimulating environment for advanced training and research activities in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, Communications and Networks, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches. The joint projects with renowned international research institutions make it easier to enter the world of international research, thanks to interaction with scientific personalities and visiting periods in laboratories worldwide. The industrial joint projects in applied
research allow PhD students to become acquainted to the activities of today's most technologically advanced companies, thus gaining the knowledge necessary to a more conscious choice between a career in
industry or in academia. More information is available at the web site of the IT PhD program (http://phd.dei.

The official call for applications is available on the PhD school web site (http://pcsiwa12. rett.polimi. it/~phdweb/). Application deadline is in April 30, 2009. The PhD Program starts on January 1st, 2010. Please refer to the official call for details on the application procedure and requirements. The selection process is based on the CV, a motivation letter and recommendation letters. A phone interview may be also required. Preliminary contacts among applicants and faculty members of the DEI are highly encouraged. Please take a look at the list of professors of the department and their personal web pages, and to the research labs. A list of PhD thesis proposals is also available (please consider that additional proposals can be obtained contacting directly faculty members).
This should help applicants in selecting one or more potential research topics for the PhD.
Use the motivation letter to explain why you are applying for a PhD program and what you expect from the program, as well as to present your skills and characteristics that in your opinion can make you a successful candidate.
Include in the motivation letter a description of the research topic you have in mind (even more than one if you like) and explain what contributions you would like to add to the state-of-the- art. Also mention in the letter if you had preliminary contacts with faculty members.
Ask to persons that know you professionally to write recommendation letters for you. Remember that the selection committee will probably consider both the content of the letters and the reputation in the scientific and academic community of their authors. Write in your CV all the information that can help the committee to evaluate your career and your skills.

About Politecnico di Milano and DEI:
The Politecnico di Milano is a science and technology university producing engineers, architects and industrial designers through a variety of innovative specializing courses, with great attention being devoted to all sides of education. The Politecnico di Milano was established in 1863 and is now ranked as one of the most outstanding European technical universities.
The "Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione" (DEI) is one of the largest European ICT departments in Europe, both for its size and for the quality of its research. With over 600 members, researchers, collaborators, PhD students, technical and administrative staff, the Department is a vital institution capable of promoting education, fundamental and applied research, and technology transfer to companies. The quality of the research work is demonstrated by the
broad network of partnerships with the best international institutions, which makes the Department one of the fundamental players in the worldwide scenario of scientific and technological innovation. The orientation towards the future goes together with a tradition of excellence matured in over 60 years of activity.
The result is an environment favorable to the growth of talented people, to the creation of new ideas and enterprises, to the collaboration with private companies and public institutions.

For more information:
DEI: www.dei.polimi. it - IT PhD Program: http://phd.dei.
PhD Program secretary: dottoratoinginfo@ elet.polimi. it

Antonio Capone, PhD
Associate Professor
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Milano - Italy
Ph: +39 02 2399 3449
Fax: +39 02 2399 3413

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